
Cultivating Young Minds

I am a nurse that is passionate about healthy food and early childhood education. The purpose of this blog is to share ideas for healthy eating and creative play that stimulate learning and early language development.

Learning through play is a way that benefits children by encouraging imagination and social skills while reinforcing educational elements. Your child should begin their education with a love of learning.

As parents we have so much to offer our children in terms of education prior to them starting school. Whether you choose to homeschool your children or send them to school they will benefit from learning in the early years by a loving, caring parent.

The first five years of a child’s life are fundamentally important. They are the foundation that shapes children’s future health, happiness, growth, development and learning achievement at school, in the family and community, and in life in general.

Recent research confirms that the first five years are particularly important for the development of the child’s brain, and the first three years are the most critical in shaping the child’s brain architecture. Early experiences provide the base for the brain’s organizational development and functioning throughout life. They have a direct impact on how children develop learning skills as well as social and emotional abilities.

Children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life. They need love and nurturing to develop a sense of trust and security that turns into confidence as they grow.