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My son loves to help me in the kitchen when I cook.  We have fun trying new recipes and this is a creative way to get him to eat more veggies. Children tend to be proud of their work and helping in the kitchen and working with vegetables can be a positive way to get them familiar with foods they may otherwise avoid or refuse.

Helping with meals can sometimes be messy like many activities unfortunately children learn from these experiences.  Cooking is a messy, delicious, sometimes time-consuming activity, especially when done with a little one helping you along the way. It is easy to send your child off to play while you make a meal, knowing you can get it done in minutes. But with a little prep and forethought, it is just as easy to incorporate your child into the meal-making process. Sure, you may be adding a few more minutes into your cooking routine, but what your child will get out of the experience is pretty amazing.

You’re not just making food, you are teaching science in action; helping to lay down basic math, reading and time-telling skills; encouraging healthy food choices; building confidence and creativity; enhancing communication and deepening connections with your child. Indeed, cooking with little ones is nothing short of awesome.

Sometimes getting past the messes is easier said than done but when you really analyze things you realize that it can be cleaned up, a small set back that outweighs the benefits. Parents are the greatest resources for being able to offer their children with these opportunities which one else will, no one else will have the patience and no one else will have the time invested to create these memories. Children grow up fast so the moments we have with them are short.