Homemade Play Dough

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Play dough has always been a favorite here and the play ideas are unlimited. When I found out about homemade play dough I never went back to store bought. It’s such a treat making it yourself with a few basic ingredients. I love that it’s softer more pliable and you know the exact ingredients that went into making it. What’s even better you can scent it with essential oils to give it that special aroma that fills the air while playing. I personally never cared for the typical scent of store bought play dough so this worked great!

I used a variety of food colors and essential oils ranging from lemongrass, orange, peppermint, eucalyptus and rosemary.

I also used empty plastic jars for storage and placed them in the shelf for my son to use. This is always a hit with him.


2 cups white flour

2 Tbsp of any oil ( I used avocado oil)

3/4 cup salt

4 tsp cream of tartar

2 cups of water

Place all ingredients in a pot on low to medium heat. Slowly mix until mixture forms into a ball. Continue stirring and remove from heat on to a plate and let cool slightly before kneading. This can be very hot. If planning to add color, place amount of play dough to color in a zip lock bag and add a few drops of food color and mix in bag.

Alternatively you can just use hands to knead dough and food color if you don’t mind having color hues on your hands. (Which is what I did). So much easier to get the color to spread.

Once the color is mixed well you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oils for that special scent!